SmartCards are to be treated like any other Visa Debit or eftpos Card product, however we recommend that you check the following:
- The network may be offline. Ask the customer to provide another payment type or return when the payment system is online. SmartCards cannot be processed when the system is offline, as a PIN is required for the transaction to be validated.
- The card’s chip or magnetic stripe may be damaged (a damaged card message will appear on the keypad screen). Advise the cardholder that they will need to contact Services Australia to replace their card.
- There may be insufficient funds left on the card for the transaction (the response code will display as ‘51’ on the terminal). Ask the customer to provide another form of payment.
- The cardholder may have forgotten their PIN (the response code will display as ‘55’ on the terminal). Ask the cardholder to re-enter the correct PIN.
- The terminal may be blocked. This would only occur if your business sells both restricted and unrestricted goods and you have signed an agreement. Ask the cardholder to use the approved terminal.